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 78 Pelajar dan Guru Jakbar  Disosialisasikan Keamanan Pangan
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Food Safety Socialized to Students and Teachers in West Jakarta

The Center for Food and Drug Monitoring (BBPOM) in Jakarta held an outreach on school/madrasah food safety for students and teachers in West Jakarta. The socialization took place at the Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel and Conference Center, Jalan Kyai Tapa, Tomang Urban Village, Grogol Petamburan Sub-district, Thursday (5/16).

This is very useful

Jakarta BBPOM Head, Sofiyani Chandrawati Anwar expressed the socialization was attended by 78 participants representing students and teachers from 26 schools/madrasahs in West Jakarta ranging from elementary to high school levels, both public and private.

"This aims to increase food safety knowledge in the school community through the introduction of safe food," she expressed.

Jakarta BBPOM Synergize Integrated Food Safety Program in West Jakarta

According to Law No. 8/2012 on Food, to fulfill safe and nutritious food consumption, it is necessary to involve community participation, starting from planning, implementation and supervision.

Therefore, it was necessary to implement a food safety intervention program with the concept of community empowerment in order to push community participation in realizing safe and nutritious food.

Hence, in this activity which presented speakers from ASN BBPOM in Jakarta, participants were socialized about recognizing the dangers of food safety, recognizing and choosing safe food, tips for safe food consumption by paying attention to nutritional value information and CLICK checks and so on. It was also filled with discussion, as well as questions and answers.

This socialization received appreciation from eighth grade student from SMPN 45 Cengkareng, Fidela Fawnia Ariyanto (14).

"This is very useful, thus students and teachers know more about safe and healthy food to consume. Then this knowledge can also be conveyed to friends, the community and others," she closed.

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